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  • Vinken M., Rogiers V. (2015) Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1250: Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research, 409 pages, Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York.

  • Vinken M., Johnstone S. (2016) Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1437: Gap Junction Protocols, 235 pages, Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York.

  • Vinken M. (2019) Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1981: Experimental Cholestasis Research, 399 pages, Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York.

Book 1 Protocols in in vitro hepatocyte
Book 2 Gap Junction Protocols.jpg
Book 3 Cholestasis research.jpg

First author

  • Vinken M., Elaut G., Henkens T., Papeleu P., Snykers S., Beken S., Vanhaecke T., Rogiers V. (2006) Rat hepatocyte cultures: collagen gel sandwich and immobilization cultures, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Cytochrome P450 Protocols, Phillips I.R. and Shepard E.A. (Eds.). Humana Press Inc., USA: 247-254.

  • Vinken M., Rogiers V., Vanhaecke T. (2012) The interplay between epigenetics and gap junctional intercellular communication, in The Cellular Response to the Genotoxic Insult: The Question of Threshold for Genotoxic Carcinogens, Greim H. and Albertini R.J. (Eds.), The Royal Society, London: 293-311.

  • Vinken M., Landesmann B., Rogiers V. (2014) Focus on hepatotoxic modes-of-action in SEURAT-1: rationale and strategy, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 4, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 114-125.

  • Vinken M., Rogiers V. (2014) Challenging the predictive power and robustness of an adverse outcome pathway construct from bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 4, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 93-96.

  • Vinken M., Maes M., Crespo Yanguas S., Willebrords J., Vanhaecke T., Rogiers V. (2015) Establishment and characterization of an in vitro model of Fas-mediated hepatocyte cell death, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1250: Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research, Vinken M. and Rogiers V. (Eds.) Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 95-104.

  • Vinken M., Rodrigues R.M., Rogiers V. (2015) Challenging the predictive power and robustness of an adverse outcome pathway construct from bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 5, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 75-96.

  • Vinken M. (2016) Adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess drug-induced toxicity, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1425: In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity, Benfenati E. (Ed.) Springer Protocols, New York: 325-337.

  • Vinken M. (2021) Connexin hemichannels, in Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology 3rd edition, Offermanns S. and Rosenthal W. (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg: 478-483.


  • Elaut G., Papeleu P., Vinken M., Henkens T., Snykers S., Vanhaecke T., Rogiers V. (2006) Hepatocytes in suspension, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Cytochrome P450 Protocols, Phillips I.R. and Shepard E.A. (Eds.). Humana Press Inc., USA: 255-264.

  • Henkens T., Vanhaecke T., Papeleu P., Elaut G., Vinken M., Snykers S., Rogiers V. (2006) Rat hepatocyte cultures: conventional monolayer cultures and co-cultures with rat liver epithelial cells, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Cytochrome P450 Protocols, Phillips I.R. and Shepard E.A. (Eds.). Humana Press Inc., USA: 239-246.

  • Hescheler J., Sachinidis A., Hengstler J., Van de Water B., Vinken M., Jennings P., Kopp Schneider A., Nagarajan P. (2013) DETECTIVE: detection of endpoints and biomarkers for repeated dose toxicity using in vitro systems, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 3, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 124-147.

  • Papeleu P., De Smet K., Vanhaecke T., Henkens T., Elaut G., Vinken M., Snykers S., Rogiers V. (2006) Isolation of rat hepatocytes, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Cytochrome P450 Protocols, Phillips I.R. and Shepard E.A. (Eds.). Humana Press Inc., USA: 229-238.

  • Rodrigues R.M., Bremer-Hoffmann S., De Kock J., Escher S., Hengstler J., Jennings P., Keun H., Kleinjans J., Kolde R., Kopp-Schneider A., Ringwald A., Rogiers V., Sachinidis A., Sickmann A., Spitkovsky D., Vanhaecke T., Vinken M., van de Water B., Hescheler J. (2014) DETECTIVE: detection of endpoints and biomarkers for repeated dose toxicity testing using in vitro systems, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 4, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 166-185.

  • Rogiers V., Pauwels M., Vinken M., Vanhaecke T. (2011) The SEURAT-1 research strategy: towards a more realistic integrated in vitro strategy for repeated dose toxicity testing of cosmetic products and their ingredients, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 1, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 255-268.

  • Romualdo G.R., Vinken M., Cogliati B. (2019) Alcohol intake and cancer risk, in Nutrition and Cancer Prevention: From Molecular Mechanisms to Dietary Recommendations, Ong T.P. and Moreno F.S. (Eds.). Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom: 108-127.

  • van Grunsven L., Vinken M., Sancho-Bru P., Nahmias Y., Verfaillie C. (2014) Investigation of the fibrotic response induced by methotrexate and acetaminophen in the HeMiBio bioreactor, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 4, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 96-97.

  • van Grunsven L., Leite S.B., Vinken M., Sancho-Bru P., Nahmias Y., Verfaillie C. (2015) Investigation of the fibrotic response induced by methotrexate and acetaminophen in the HeMiBio bioreactor, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 5, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 76-77.

  • Wink S., van de Water B., Reif R., Hammad S., Stöber R., Widera A., Hengstler J.G., Limonciel A., Jennings P., Escher S., Keun H., Kleinjans J., Kopp-Schneider A., Peterson H., Ringwald A., Rogiers V., Sachinidis A., Sickmann A., Vinken M., Spitkovsky D., Hescheler J. (2015) DETECTIVE: detection of endpoints and biomarkers for repeated dose toxicity testing using in vitro systems, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 5, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 136-165.

  • van Breda S., Chaudhari U., Escher S., Jennings P., Hengstler J., Keun H., Kopp-Schneider A., Limonciel A., Peterson H., Rodrigues R.M., Sachinidis A., Schäfer C., Sickmann A., Stöber R., Vinken M., van de Water B., Wink S., Spitkovsky D., Hescheler J. (2016) DETECTIVE: detection of endpoints and biomarkers for repeated dose toxicity testing using in vitro systems, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 6, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 170-195.

Last author

  • Barbe L., Collas P., Dascher-Nadel C., Generelli S., van Grunsven L., Leite S.B., Nahmias Y., Sancho-Bru P., Verfaillie C., Vinken M. (2015) HeMiBio: hepatic microfluidic bioreactor, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 5, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 114-134.

  • Bavli D., Dascher-Nadel C., van Grunsven L., Jaeger M., Leite S.B., Nahmias Y., Ordovas L., Prill S., Sancho-Bru P., Verfaillie C., Vinken M. (2014) HeMiBio: hepatic microfluidic bioreactor, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 4, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 150-164.

  • Cogliati B., Maes M., Pereira I.V.A., Willebrords J., da Silva T.C., Crespo Yanguas S., Vinken M. (2016) Immunohisto- and cytochemistry analysis of connexins, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1437: Gap Junction Protocols, Vinken M. and Johnstone S. (Eds.) Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 55-70.

  • Cools B., Helvacıoğlu Akyüz S., Vinken M. (2025) Hepatology during spaceflight, in Precision Medicine for Long and Safe Permanence of Humans in Space, Krittanawong C. (Ed), Elsevier, New York: 593-600.

  • Doktorova T., Vanhaecke T., Rogiers V., Vinken M. (2010) Epigenetically stabilized primary hepatocyte cultures: a potential sensitive screening tool for non-genotoxic carcinogenicity, in Methods in Bioengineering: Alternative Technologies to Animal Testing, Maguire T. and Novik E. (Eds.) Artech House: 133-146.

  • Gijbels E., Vinken M. (2019) Mechanisms of drug-induced cholestasis, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1981: Experimental Cholestasis Research, Vinken M. (Ed.). Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 1-14.

  • Gijbels E., Vanhaecke T., Vinken M. (2019) Establishment of sandwich cultures of primary human hepatocytes, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1981: Experimental Cholestasis Research, Vinken M. (Ed.). Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 325-333.

  • Gustafon E., Gijbels E., dos Santos Rodrigues B., Vilas-Boas V., Vinken M. (2022) Adverse outcome pathways as versatile tools in liver toxicity testing, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 2425: In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity, Benfenati E. (Ed.) Springer Protocols, New York: 521-535.

  • Landesmann B., Vinken M. (2013) Mode-of-action working group: capturing mode-of-action knowledge, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 3, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 283-321.

  • Landesmann B., Vinken M. (2014) Mode-of-action working group: capturing mode-of-action knowledge, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 4, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 318-320.

  • Landesmann B., Vinken M. (2015) Mode-of-action working group: capturing mode-of-action knowledge, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 5, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 296-299.

  • Landesmann B., Vinken M. (2016) Mode-of-action working group: capturing mode-of-action knowledge, in Towards the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing volume 6, COACH (Ed.). Mouzet Imprimerie, France: 330-334.

  • Maes M., Vanhaecke T., Cogliati B., Crespo Yanguas S., Willebrords J., Rogiers V., Vinken M. (2015) Measurement of apoptotic and necrotic cell death in primary hepatocyte cultures, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1250: Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research, Vinken M. and Rogiers V. (Eds.) Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 349-362.

  • Maes M., Willebrords J., Crespo Yanguas S., Cogliati B., Vinken M. (2016) Analysis of liver connexin expression using reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1437: Gap Junction Protocols, Vinken M. and Johnstone S. (Eds.) Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 1-19.

  • Ramboer E., Vanhaecke T., Rogiers V., Vinken M. (2015) Immortalized human hepatic cell lines for in vitro testing and research purposes, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1250: Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research, Vinken M. and Rogiers V. (Eds.) Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 53-76.

  • Van Campenhout R., Sanz Serrano J., Cooreman A., De Vlaeminck Y., Breckpot K., Kadam P., Tabernilla A., Vinken M. (2024) Assessment of connexin43 hemichannel functionality based on cytosolic uptake of Yo-Pro1  in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 2801: Connexin Hemichannels: Methods and Protocols, Mammano F. and Retamal M. (Eds.) Springer Protocols, New York: 75-85.

  • Vilas-Boas V., Cooreman A., Gijbels E., Van Campenhout R., Gustafson E., Ballet S., Annaert P., Cogliati B., Vinken M. (2019) Primary hepatocytes and their cultures for the testing of drug-induced liver injury, in Advances in Pharmacology volume 85: Drug-Induced Liver Injury, Jaeschke H. and Ramachandran A. (Eds.), Elsevier, Oxford: 1-30.

  • Willebrords J., Maes M., Crespo Yanguas S., Cogliati B., Vinken M. (2016) Detection of connexins in liver cells using sodiumdodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis, in Methods in Molecular Biology volume 1437: Gap Junction Protocols, Vinken M. and Johnstone S. (Eds.) Springer Protocols-Humana Press, New York: 37-53.

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