Oral presentations
5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 21-25/08/2005, Berlin-Germany: the effects of Trichostatin A on gap junctional intercellular communication in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes.
Journée Exceptionnelle Connexins, 25/05/2007, Paris-France: the effects of Trichostatin A on gap junctional intercellular communication in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes.
1st annual carcinoGENOMICS consortium meeting, 06-08/11/2007, Valencia-Spain: Trichostatin A enhances gap junctional intercellular communication in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes.
Journal Club, 07/07/2009, Ghent-Belgium: connexin32 hemichannels facilitate the apoptotic-to-necrotic transition during Fas-mediated hepatocyte cell death.
International Gap Junction Conference, 25-30/07/2009, Sedona-USA: connexin32 hemichannels facilitate the apoptotic-to-necrotic transition during Fas-mediated hepatocyte cell death.
CarcinoGENOMICS workpackage 2 meeting, 17-18/08/2008, Gothenburg-Sweden: Trichostatin A-stabilized primary rat hepatocyte cultures: a concise overview.
7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 30/08-03/09/2009, Rome-Italy: restoration and maintenance of the in vivo-like hepatocellular homeostatic balance: key for the establishment of long-term liver-based in vitro models.
ESNATS summer school, 22-27/09/2009, Zermatt-Switzerland: restoration and maintenance of the in vivo-like hepatocellular homeostatic balance: key for the establishment of long-term liver-based in vitro models.
Research seminars: master of biomedical sciences in cell and gene therapy, 02/04/2010, Brussels-Belgium: connexin-related signaling in cell death.
ADMET: Translating Research into Clinical Outcome, 06-07/07/2011, London-United Kingdom: state-of-the-art overview of strategies for the establishment of liver-based in vitro systems for long-term pharmaco-toxicological testing.
8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 21-25/08/2011, Montréal-Canada: an introduction to epigenetics.
8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 21-25/08/2011, Montréal-Canada: the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro: a concise introduction.
Summer School of the Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing project cluster, 04-08/06/2012, Lisbon-Portugal: drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms, types and biomarkers.
Postgraduate course on gap junctions, connexins and their physiological and pathological roles, 24-28/09/2012, São Paulo-Brazil: study of connexins and the Department of Toxicology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University Brussels)-Belgium.
4th Journey of the Latin American Society of Toxicologic Pathology, 25/09/2012, São Paulo-Brazil: connexin and pannexin signalling in cell death and cell growth: relevance for liver physiology and liver pathology.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 03/10/2012, Antwerp-Belgium: connexin and pannexin signalling in cell death and cell growth: relevance for liver physiology and liver pathology.
17th Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 16-19/10/2012, Lisbon-Portugal: the effect of epigenetic modification on drug transporters in primary hepatocyte cultures.
Winterschool of the HeMiBio project, 16/01/2013, Barcelona-Spain: drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms, types and biomarkers.
Human Toxicology Project Consortium meeting, 23-25/01/2013, Baltimore-USA: drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms and types.
ReLiver workshop, 20-22/02/2013, Heidelberg-Germany: drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms and types.
Summerschool of the DETECTIVE project, 10-14/06/2013, Slano-Croatia: introduction to drug-induced liver injury and adverse outcome pathways.
49th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 01-04/09/2013, Interlaken-Switzerland: the role of connexins and their channels in toxicity.
SEURAT-1 Stakeholders event, 05/09/2013, Brussels-Belgium: HeMiBio: engineering tissue.
XVIII Brazilian Congress of Toxicology, 07-10/10/2013, Porto Alegre-Brazil: in vitro models for the evaluation of hepatotoxicity.
Specialisation course in the generation and maintenance of laboratory animals, 19/10/2013, Sao Pãulo-Brazil: alternatives to animal testing in toxicology.
XXII Scientific week Benjamin Eurico Malucelli, 21/10/2013, São Paulo-Brazil, oral presentation: alternatives to animal testing in toxicology.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 18/12/2013, Antwerp-Belgium: in vitro models for the evaluation of hepatotoxicity.
Dutch Society of Toxicology meeting, 12/02/2014, Leiden-The Netherlands: the adverse outcome pathway concept: a novel and pragmatic tool in toxicology and risk assessment.
Research seminars: master of biomedical sciences in cell and gene therapy, 21/02/2014, Brussels-Belgium: the CONNECT project: connexins and pannexins as drug targets and biomarkers in acute and chronic liver disease.
Human Toxicology Project Consortium meeting, 25/03/2014, Phoenix-USA: development and use of hepatic AOPs in the SEURAT project cluster.
Connexins-Pannexins: WOG FWO meeting, 22-23/05/2014, Ghent-Belgium: protective effects of connexin43 signaling in experimentally induced acute liver failure in mouse.
5th symposium of the Latin American Society of Toxicologic Pathology, 11-14/04/2014, São Paulo-Brazil: in vitro models for the evaluation of hepatotoxicity.
5th symposium of the Latin American Society of Toxicologic Pathology, 11-14/04/2014, São Paulo-Brazil: hepatic adverse outcome pathway constructs: novel and pragmatic tools in toxicology and risk assessment.
NOTOX satellite meeting, 10/06/2014, Egmond aan zee-The Netherlands: development and use of hepatic AOPs in the SEURAT project cluster.
OECD meeting of the extended advisory group on molecular screening and toxicogenomics, 12-13/06/2014, Paris-France: development and application of a new AOP from BSEP inhibition to cholestasis.
9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 24-28/08/2014, Prague-Czech Republic: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
NIH workshop, 03-05/09/2014, Bethesda-USA: testing of the predictive power and robustness of an AOP construct for bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic injury.
Research seminar Department of Clinical Analysis and Toxicology, University of São Paulo, 30/09/2014, São Paulo-Brazil: liver-based in vitro models: conventional and novel strategies.
Research seminar Masaryk University, 04/11/2014, Brno-Czech Republic: drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms, types and biomarkers.
Research seminar Masaryk University, 04/11/2014, Brno-Czech Republic: liver-based in vitro models: conventional and novel strategies.
Research seminar Masaryk University, 05/11/2014, Brno-Czech Republic: connexins and pannexins: targets and biomarkers of liver disease.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 05/11/2014, Antwerp-Belgium: in vitro models for the evaluation of hepatotoxicity.
Seminar at the University of Kansas Medical Center, 12/11/2014, Kansas City-USA: connexins and pannexins: targets and biomarkers of liver disease.
IVTIP meeting, 18/11/2014, Monte Carlo-Monaco: adverse outcome pathways: development and applications.
Research seminar Federal University of Minas Gerais, 10/12/2014, Belo Horizonte-Brazil: connexins and pannexins: targets and biomarkers of liver disease.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 25-29/01/2015, Lisbon-Portugal: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 25-29/01/2015, Lisbon-Portugal: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 25-29/01/2015, Lisbon-Portugal: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
Research seminar University of Western Ontario, 06/03/2015, London-Canada: connexins and pannexins: targets and biomarkers of liver disease.
Research seminar Université de Poitiers, 17/03/2015, Poitiers-France: connexins and pannexins: targets and biomarkers of liver disease.
Society of Toxicology meeting, 22-26/03/2015, San Diego-USA: connexin signaling in liver toxicity and disease.
Society of Toxicology meeting, 22-26/03/2015, San Diego-USA: predictive power and robustness of an AOP construct for bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic injury.
Research seminar University of São Paulo, 16/04/2015, São Paulo-Brazil: connexins and pannexins: targets and biomarkers of liver disease.
25th conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 03-07/05/2015, Barcelona-Spain: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform Spring Meeting, 28-29/05/2015, Copenhagen-Denmark: mechanistic understanding of toxicity: an introduction to AOPs and their potential for in vitro testing application.
Long Range Science Strategy workshop Cosmetics Europe, 02-03/06/2015, Brussels-Belgium: validation and optimization of adverse outcome pathways: the new challenge.
Network Verification Challenge Jamboree, 15-18/06/2015, Barcelona-Spain: adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess drug-induced toxicity.
Second World Conference on Targeting Liver Disease, 25-26/06/2015, St-Julian’s-Malta: inhibition of pannexin1 channels alleviates acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mouse.
Gap Junction Conference: Therapeutic Applications, 24/09/2015, La Coruna-Spain: role of connexin and pannexin signaling in liver disease.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 14/10/2015, Antwerp-Belgium: in vitro models for the evaluation of hepatotoxicity.
HeMiBio International Symposium Biology meets technology for liver toxicity testing, 02-03/12/2015, Leuven-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess drug-induced toxicity.
Seminar SRM University, 27/01/2016, Chennai-India: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
Seminar SRM University, 27/01/2016, Chennai-India: adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess chemical toxicity.
University of Auckland, 08/03/2016, Auckland-New Zealand: role of connexins, pannexins and their channels in liver disease.
2nd International Conference on Hepatology, 09-11/05/2016, Chicago-USA: connexins and pannexins as novel drug targets in the treatment of acute and chronic liver disease.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 20-24/06/2016, Brasilia-Brazil: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 20-24/06/2016, Brasilia-Brazil: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Alternative Approaches for Acute Inhalation Toxicity to Address Global Regulatory and Non-regulatory Data Requirements Webinar Series, 12/07/2016, Brussels-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess chemical-induced toxicity.
52th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 04-07/09/2016, Seville-Spain: the adverse outcome pathway for cholestatic liver injury: from mechanisms to predictive human toxicology.
27th Ion Channel Meeting, 11-14/09/2016, Sète-France: connexin and pannexin (hemi)channels as novel drug targets in liver disease.
Science Xpression Workshop, 26-28/09/2016, La Coruna-Spain: preparing and giving a scientific presentation: tips and tricks.
Science Xpression Workshop, 26-28/09/2016, La Coruna-Spain: writing a scientific abstract: tips and tricks.
Gap Junction Conference: Therapeutic Applications, 29/09/2016, La Coruna-Spain: connexins and pannexins as novel drug targets in the treatment of acute and chronic liver disease.
Research seminar Department of Clinical Analysis and Toxicology, University of São Paulo, 25/10/2016, São Paulo-Brazil: liver-based in vitro models: conventional and novel strategies.
Research seminar Department of Clinical Analysis and Toxicology, University of São Paulo, 31/10/2016, São Paulo-Brazil: liver metabolism: phase 0-III biotransformation.
Research seminar Department of Clinical Analysis and Toxicology, University of São Paulo, 31/10/2016, São Paulo-Brazil: liver toxicity: types and mechanisms.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 07/12/2016, Antwerp-Belgium: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 08-13/01/2017, Belvaux-Luxembourg: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 08-13/01/2017, Belvaux-Luxembourg: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 08-13/01/2017, Belvaux-Luxembourg: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
Adverse outcome pathways: emerging regulatory requirements and new in vitro models webinar series, 06/02/2017, Brussels-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways as tools to address chemically-induced liver toxicity.
Postgraduate Education in Toxicology: Toxicogenomics, 23/02/2017, Maastricht-The Netherlands: adverse outcome pathways.
Food for Thought ERC Edition, 17/03/2017, Brussels-Belgium: experience of an ERC Starting Grantee at VUB.
Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, 28/03/2017, Brussels-Belgium: hoe start ik een academische onderzoeksgroep op in Brazilië: ervaring van een jonge Belgische onderzoeker.
British Toxicology Society Meeting, 03-05/04/2017, Liverpool-UK: adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess chemically induced liver toxicity.
Research seminar, 24/04/2017, Brussels-Belgium: current topics in toxicology: adverse outcome pathways
Symposium “AOPs: an alternative for risk assessment?” Société de Pharmaco-Toxicologie Cellulaire, 21/06/2017, Paris-France : development and validation of an AOP from bile salt pump inhibition to cholestasis.
CAAT-Academy training “Updates on the hepatotoxicity AOP landscape and on the ADMET field”, 22-23/06/2017, Rennes-France, development and validation of an AOP from bile salt pump inhibition to cholestasis.
Symposium “AOP course light”, UKEMS/BEMS/DEMS meeting, 25-28/06/2017, Leuven-Belgium: AOP background and principles.
14th European ISSX meeting, 26-29/06/2017, Cologne-Germany: adverse outcome pathways as tools to assess drug-induced toxicity.
10th World Congress Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 20-24/08/2017, Seattle-USA: omics-based in vitro verification of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestatic liver injury.
10th World Congress Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 20-24/08/2017, Seattle-USA: the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV)’s activities in promoting in vitro and in silico computational toxicology.
Science Xpression Workshop, 25-29/09/2017, Santiago de Compostella-Spain: preparing and giving a scientific presentation: tips and tricks.
Science Xpression Workshop, 25-29/09/2017, Santiago de Compostella-Spain: writing a scientific abstract: tips and tricks.
Science Xpression Workshop, 25-29/09/2017, Santiago de Compostella-Spain: preparing and presenting a scientific poster: tips and tricks.
Gap Junction Conference: Therapeutic Applications, 28/09/2017, La Coruna-Spain: role of connexin hemichannels in acute and chronic liver disease.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 04/10/2017, Antwerp-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways: novel tools in (eco)toxicology and risk assessment.
Study day “Alternatives to animal experiments”, 05/10/2017, Brussels-Belgium: mechanistic toxicology as the basis for animal-free risk assessment.
Congress “Non-animal methods for toxicokinetics”, 16-20/10/2017, Leiden-The Netherlands: AOP framework: where do kinetics come in?
Seminar at the Environmental Protection Agency, 30/10/2017, Raleigh Durham-USA: development of a quantitative adverse outcome pathway network of cholestatic liver injury for animal-free chemical risk assessment.
11th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15-18/11/2017, Ribeirão Preto-Brazil: liver-based in vitro models for pharmaco-toxicological testing.
11th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15-18/11/2017, Ribeirão Preto-Brazil: the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro: overview and activities.
Seminar “Animal testing for human therapeutics?”, 12/01/2018, Utrecht-The Netherlands: liver-based in vitro models for pharmaco-toxicological testing.
Society of Toxicology meeting, 11-15/03/2018, San Antonio-USA: omics-based in vitro verification of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestatic liver injury.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 08-13/04/2018, Utrecht-The Netherlands: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 08-13/04/2018, Utrecht-The Netherlands: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 08-13/04/2018, Utrecht-The Netherlands: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
World Toxicologic Pathology Congress, 24-26/04/2018, São Paulo-Brazil: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
PI Centric Event, 17/05/2018, Brussels-Belgium: CONNECT: connexin and pannexins channels as drug targets and biomarkers in acute and chronic liver disease.
Galenus award ceremony, 29/05/2018, Brussels-Belgium: cellular communication as a novel pharmacological target for the treatment of liver disease.
44th Annual Summer Meeting of the Toxicology Forum, 09-11/07/2018, Annapolis-USA: adverse outcome pathways as tools to predict liver toxicity in in vitro models.
54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Brussels-Belgium, 02-05/09/2018: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Brussels-Belgium, 02-05/09/2018: pathway approaches in human toxicology: focus on liver toxicity AOPs.
“From nanotoxicology to nanomedicine”, Tallinn-Estonia, 07/09/2018: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
ASCCT-ESTIV Webinar Series, 20/09/2018, Brussels-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways: an update on progress and some near-term applications.
Science Xpression Workshop, 24-28/09/2018, Santiago de Compostella-Spain: preparing and giving a scientific presentation: tips and tricks.
Science Xpression Workshop, 24-28/09/2018, Santiago de Compostella-Spain: writing a scientific abstract: tips and tricks.
Science Xpression Workshop, 24-28/09/2018, Santiago de Compostella-Spain: preparing and presenting a scientific poster: tips and tricks.
Gap Junction Conference: Therapeutic Applications, 27/09/2018, La Coruna-Spain: role of connexin hemichannels in acute and chronic liver disease.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 07/11/2018, Antwerp-Belgium: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
“Fuckup night”, Brussels-Belgium, 29/11/2018: fuckup night.
“Application of non-animal approaches for decision-making in chemical safety assessment” workshop, 10-11/12/2018, London-UK : the use of AOPs for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
Postgraduate Education in Toxicology: Toxicogenomics, 21/02/2019, Maastricht-The Netherlands: adverse outcome pathways.
Society of Toxicology meeting, 10-14/03/2019, Baltimore-USA: mitochondrial toxicity: a frequent key event in adverse outcome pathways.
“Introduction to toxicology and ecotoxicology as the scientific basis for management of chemical risk” BelTox seminar, 19/03/2019, Brussels-Belgium: in vitro methods for hazard identification.
VUB Pop-up seminar, 05/04/2019, Brussels-Belgium: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 14-19/04/2019, Bucharest-Romania: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 14-19/04/2019, Bucharest-Romania: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 14-19/04/2019, Bucharest-Romania: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
Research seminar, 02/05/2019, Split-Croatia: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
Molecular Toxicology Course, 26-29/06-2019, Izmir-Turkey: adverse outcome pathways: focus on mitotoxicity.
Molecular Toxicology Course, 26-29/06-2019, Izmir-Turkey: liver-based in vitro models: tools for molecular toxicology research.
International Gap Junction Conference, 27-31/07/2019, Victoria- Canada: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2019, Helsinki-Finland: adverse outcome pathways and beyond.
8th Annual Meeting of the ASCCT "Computational toxicology: peeking into the clouds while keeping our feet on solid ground", 24-26/09/2019, Gaithersburg-USA: 2019-2020 conferences: ESTIV2020, WC11 and P2P.
epaa workshop "New ideas for systemic toxicity", 01-02/10/2019, Brussels-Belgium: development and testing of a repeated dose toxicity ontology model for chemical risk assessment purposes: liver effects as a case study.
EBTC-EFSA workshop "Advancing the application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanistic frameworks for the development and use of non-animal toxicity tests", 02-03/10/2019, Parma-Italy: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
Science Xpression Workshop, 07-11/10/2019, La Coruna-Spain: preparing and giving a scientific presentation: tips and tricks.
Science Xpression Workshop, 07-11/10/2019, La Coruna-Spain: writing a scientific abstract: tips and tricks.
Gap Junction Conference: connexin and pannexin channels in inflammation, tissue regeneration and cancer, 08/10/2019, La Coruna-Spain: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
10th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology, 16/10-19/10/2019, Antalya-Turkey: adverse outcome pathways associated with mitochondria.
International Industrial and Environmental Toxicology Congress, 26/10-29/10/2019, Antalya-Turkey: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
Pioneer-2-Policymaker Conference "Accelerating the transition towards animal-free innovations", 27-29/11/2019, Utrecht-The Netherlands: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 18/12/2019, Antwerp-Belgium: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
Seminar University of Wageningen, 16/01/2020, Wageningen-The Netherlands: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
Liver Systems Medicine Retreat, 29/01-31/01/2020, Hofgeismar-Germany: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
Liver Systems Medicine Retreat, 29/01-31/01/2020, Hofgeismar-Germany: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
BelTox seminar “Introduction to toxicology and ecotoxicology as the scientific basis for management of chemical risk”, 18/02/2020, Brussels-Belgium: in vitro methods for hazard identification.
OECD webinar, 09/07/2020: 3Rs projects funded by the European Commission: AOP case study.
OpenTox2020 Virtual Conference, 21/09-25/09-2020: development, quantification and application of an adverse outcome pathway network of cholestatic liver injury.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 25-30/10/2020, Brussels-Belgium: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 25-30/10/2020, Brussels-Belgium: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 25-30/10/2020, Brussels-Belgium: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
Society for Risk Analysis Virtual Meeting, 13-17/12/2020: development, quantification and application of an adverse outcome pathway network of cholestatic liver injury.
CIAO Covid-19 AOP Design Virtual Workshop, 27-28/01/2021: involvement of the liver in COVID-19.
Janssen Pharmaceutica, 10/02/2021, webinar: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
Université Catholique de Louvain, 22/02/2021, webinar: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing and drug development.
Universiteit Maastricht-The Netherlands, Postgraduate Education in Toxicology: Toxicogenomics, 04/03/2021, webinar: adverse outcome pathways.
US FDA webmeeting, 05/03/2021: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 17/03/2021, webinar: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
Universiteit Groningen-The Netherlands, 14/04/2021, webinar: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity induced by drugs.
CIAO Covid-19 AOP Design Virtual Workshop, 28-29/04/2021: involvement of the liver in COVID-19.
ONTOX webinar "AOP", 04/06/2021.
Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment (VHP4Safety) online kick-off meeting, 18/06/2021: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Korea Institute of Toxicology, online presentation, 03/09/2021: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
Hearing Flemish Parliament, 22/09/2021: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
57th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (Virtual Conference), 27/09-01/10/2021: development and application of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestatic liver injury.
ILSI Europe Annual Symposium, 05/10/2021: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
ASPIS cluster kick-off meeting, 04/11/2021, Brussels-Belgium: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
ERC Life Sciences event VUB, 10/11/2021, Brussels-Belgium: testimony of an ERC Grant holder in life sciences.
3rd workshop on alternatives methods to the use of animals for toxicological studies of plant protection products for registration purposes, online presentation, 10-11/11/2021: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, online presentation, 11-13/11/2021: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
BfR Symposium Challenges in Public Health Protection in the 21st Century: New Methods, Omics and Novel Concepts in Toxicology, online presentation, 15-17/11/2021: use of omics in AOP validation and application: liver toxicity as a case study.
State-of-the-art lectures in Biomedicine, 17/11/2021, webinar: liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing.
2nd International Conference Series on 3Rs Research and Progress: Advances in Animal Models and Cutting-Edge Research in Alternatives, online presentation, 18-19/11/2021: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
Hogeschool Utrecht Online Symposium, 21/01/2022: role of Hogeschool Utrecht in international research initiatives: the European ONTOX project as a case study.
ITF meeting European Medicines Agency, 24/01/2022: PANACHE: production of next generation peptidomimetics targeted towards pannexins and connexins as novel therapeutics in the treatment of inflammatory cardiovascular, hepatic and joint diseases.
OECD webmeeting, 26/01/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
EFSA webmeeting, 14/02/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Eurogroup for Animals webmeeting, 21/02/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
PETA webmeeting, 24/02/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
HESI webmeeting, 28/02/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
ERPA webmeeting, 09/03/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
7th German Pharm-Tox Summit, online presentation, 07-10/03/2022: development, application and validation of AOPs: cholestatic liver injury as a case study.
EFPIA webmeeting, 17/03/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
EMA webmeeting, 21/03/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Nestlé webmeeting, 24/03/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
HOBOTA kick-off meeting, 01/04/2022, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse-Belgium: VUB team and expertise relevant to HOBOTA.
In2TOX webinar, 19/04/2022: liver-based in vitro modelling.
Universiteit Groningen-The Netherlands, 21/04/2022, webinar: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity induced by drugs.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 06-11/06/2022, Belvaux-Luxembourg: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 06-11/06/2022, Belvaux-Luxembourg: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 06-11/06/2022, Belvaux-Luxembourg: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
NIEHS webmeeting, 23/06/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
OECD webmeeting, 24/06/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Charles River Laboratories webmeeting, 27/06/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
BE PARERE network webmeeting, 13/07/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
EchA webmeeting, 14/09/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
23rd EUSAAT Congress, 26-28/09/2022, Linz-Austria: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
3rd In Silico Toxicology Online Conference, 29/09/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
VHP4Safety-ONTOX workshop, 17/10/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
11th Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology, 02/11-05/11/2022, Antalya-Turkey: adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
The Danish 3R symposium, 08/11-09/11/2022, Copenhagen-Denmark: the European ONTOX project: safer chemicals using less chemicals.
Latin American online Congress of Alternative Methods, 16/11-18/11/2022: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Mérieux NutriSciences webmeeting, 24/01/2023: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
ANSES webmeeting, 25/01/2023: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Seminar at Paul Scherrer Institute-Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, 01/02/2023, Zurich-Switzerland: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
Seminar at Anadolu University, 09/02/2023, Eskişehir-Türkiye: the use of adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of liver toxicity.
21st Century Toxicology: Sneak Preview of Ongoing Relevant Activities, 23/03/2023, Nashville-US: ONTOX project and ASPIS working group overview.
Universiteit Groningen-The Netherlands, 20/04/2023, webinar: adverse outcome pathways for the in vitro prediction of drug-induced liver injury.
HOBOTA meeting, 28/04/2023, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways for the in vitro prediction of drug-induced liver injury.
IUTOX webinar, 24/05/2023: adverse outcome pathways as the basis for in vitro prediction of chemical-induced liver toxicity.
ASCCT-ESTIV webinar, 24/05/2023: in vitro prediction of liver toxicity using adverse outcome pathways.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 29/05-02/06/2023, Bratislava-Slovakia: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 29/05-02/06/2023, Bratislava-Slovakia: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 29/05-02/06/2023, Bratislava-Slovakia: emerging topics in in vitro toxicology: adverse outcome pathways.
HESI-NC3Rs meeting: NAMs for safety assessment: from aspiration to implementation, 07/06-08/06/2023, London-United Kingdom: development and implementation of NAMs: the European ONTOX project.
Seminar at SCK CEN, 22/06/2023, Mol-Belgium: effects of spaceflight conditions on the liver: focus on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Seminar at SCK CEN, 22/06/2023, Mol-Belgium: liver-based in vitro models for preclinical testing.
2nd Microphysiological Systems World Summit, 26/06-30/06/2023, Berlin-Germany: ontologies as tools to support MPS-driven predictive toxicity screening: liver toxicity as a case study.
International Colloquium on Gap Junctions and Cancer, 10/07-14/07/2023, São Paulo-Brazil: connexins, pannexins and their channels in liver cancer.
Corteva Agriscience webmeeting, 21/08/2023: ONTOX: Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
57th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2023, Ljubljana-Slovenia: ontologies as the basis for setting up animal-free test batteries: liver toxicity as a case study.
EBTC/EFSA workshop, 26/09/2023, Parma-Italy: the European ONTOX project: goals and first results.
EPA webmeeting, 12/10/2023: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Phillip Morris International webmeeting, 12/10/2023: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
EPA webmeeting, 16/11/2023: in vitro prediction of liver toxicity using adverse outcome pathways.
University of Seoul, webmeeting, 22/11/2023: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Shell, webmeeting, 17/01/2024: ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Symposium "Adverse outcome pathways coming to life: exploring new ways to support risk assessments", 29/01/2024, Maastricht-The Netherlands: use of AOPs and ontologies in the ONTOX project.
SaferWorldbyDesign: NextGen Basel 1: Next Generation Product Design and Risk Assessment, 01/03/2024, Basel-Switzerland: ontologies as the basis for setting up animal-free test batteries: liver toxicity as a case study.
Seminar at ProtoQSAR, 12/04/2024, Valencia-Spain: ontologies as the basis for setting up animal-free test batteries: liver toxicity as a case study.
Webinar Universiteit Groningen, 19/04/2024: adverse outcome pathways for in vitro prediction of drug-induced liver toxicity.
EUROTOX webinar, 30/04/2024: (drug-induced) liver toxicity: types and mechanisms.
Seminar at the Division of Liver Diseases of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 10/05/2024, New York-USA: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
Molecular Toxicology Course, 22-24/05/2024, Izmir-Turkey: adverse outcome pathways: focus on mitotoxicity.
Molecular Toxicology Course, 22-24/05/2024, Izmir-Turkey: liver-based in vitro models: tools for molecular toxicology research.
ILSI Europe training "Advancements in toxicological hazard and risk assessment for food safety: exploring new approach methodologies and predictive models", 30/05/2024, Brussels-Belgium: general in vitro cytotoxicity and cell death assays.
ILSI Europe training "Advancements in toxicological hazard and risk assessment for food safety: exploring new approach methodologies and predictive models", 30/05/2024, Brussels-Belgium: adverse outcome pathways for molecular toxicology research.
22nd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro, 03-06/06/2024, Prague-Czech Republic: how to write a successful European project proposal: from idea to submission.
22nd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro, 03-06/06/2024, Prague-Czech Republic: ontologies as the basis for setting up animal-free test batteries: liver toxicity as a case study.
ASPIS Academy webinar, 21/06/2024: how to write a successful European project proposal: from idea to submission.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: finding European research funding and writing a competitive research proposal.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: ONTOX: overview and hazard identification strategy.
ASPIS open symposium, 11-12/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: the European ONTOX project: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
ASPIS open symposium, 11-12/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: ONTOX coordinatorship August 2024-April 2026.
5th Latin American Congress of Alternative Methods to the Use of Experimental Animals, 16-20/09/2024, Bogota-Colombia: cytotoxicity: mechanisms and in vitro assays.
5th Latin American Congress of Alternative Methods to the Use of Experimental Animals, 16-20/09/2024, Bogota-Colombia: the European ONTOX project: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Online training course “3Rs in toxicity testing” within the educational program of the German Society of Toxicology, 23-27/09/2024: adverse outcome pathways.
University of Seoul seminar, 15/10/2024, Seoul-South Korea: cytotoxicity: mechanisms and in vitro assays.
University of Seoul seminar, 17/10/2024, Seoul-South Korea: the European ONTOX project: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Shell seminar, 30/10/2024, The Hague-The Netherlands: the European ONTOX project: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
Applied in vitro toxicology course, 24/11-29/11/2024, Belvaux-Luxembourg: liver-based models for in vitro toxicology purposes.
ISMIB Seminar Series University of Liverpool, 05/12/2024, Liverpool-United Kingdom: mechanistic toxicology as the basis for the development of new in vitro approaches for the safety testing of chemicals and drugs: liver toxicity as a case study.
NAMWISE kick-off meeting, 04-05/02/2025, Chantilly-France: the European ONTOX project: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment.
64th Society of Toxicology Meeting, 16-20/03/2025, Orlando-USA: effects of altered microgravity and cosmic radiation on the liver.
13th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 31/08-04/09/2025, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil: new approach methodologies used for ground-based life sciences in space research.
17th International Congress of Toxicology,15-18/10/2025, Beijing-China: mode-of-action ontologies as the basis for setting up animal-free test batteries for hazard identification: liver toxicity as a case study.
Poster presentations
Cell signaling, transcription and translation as therapeutic targets, 30/01-02/02/2002, Luxemburg-Luxemburg: phase I biotransformation of Trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, in suspensions of freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, and in human and rat liver microsomes.
Annual BelTox meeting, 29/11/2002, Brussels-Belgium: phase I biotransformation of Trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, in suspensions of freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, and in human and rat liver microsomes.
Hepatocyte Users Group meeting, 12-13/11/2004, Valencia-Spain: the effect of Trichostatin A on gap junctional intercellular communication in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes.
Discovery on Target: histone deacetylase inhibitors, 16-17/10/2007, Boston-USA: Trichostatin A enhances gap junctional intercellular communication in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes.
1st annual carcinoGENOMICS consortium meeting, 06-08/11/2007, Valencia-Spain: Trichostatin A enhances gap junctional intercellular communication in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes.
3rd annual meeting of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing, 03/11/2008, Brussels-Belgium: establishment of an in vitro model of liver cell death.
ESNATS summer school, 22-27/09/2009, Zermatt-Switzerland: connexin32 hemichannels facilitate the apoptotic-to-necrotic transition during Fas-mediated hepatocyte cell death.
4th annual meeting of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing, 06/11/2009, Brussels-Belgium: data sharing on compound selection: a way to improve the outcome of research projects in the field of 3R-alternatives to animal testing.
Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on Epigenetics, Chromatin and Transcription, 17-21/05/2010, Suzhou-China: the novel histone deacetylase inhibitor 4-Me2N-BAVAH enhances functional differentiation in cultures of primary hepatocytes.
16th Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 02-04/09/2010, Linz-Austria: connexin32 hemichannels facilitate the apoptotic-to-necrotic transition during Fas-mediated hepatocyte cell death.
50th Society of Toxicology Meeting, 06-10/03/2011, Washington DC-USA: connexin32 hemichannels facilitate the apoptotic-to-necrotic transition during Fas-mediated hepatocyte cell death.
International Gap Junction Conference, 06-11/08/2011, Ghent-Belgium: connexin43 signalling contributes to spontaneous apoptosis in cultures of primary hepatocytes.
8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 21-25/08/2011, Montréal-Canada: connexin43 signalling contributes to spontaneous apoptosis in cultures of primary hepatocytes.
Annual meeting of the Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing project cluster, 08-09/02/2012, Lisbon-Portugal: connexin43 signalling contributes to spontaneous apoptosis in cultures of primary hepatocytes.
Summer School of the Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing project cluster, 04-08/06/2012, Lisbon-Portugal: connexin43 signalling contributes to spontaneous apoptosis in cultures of primary hepatocytes.
International Gap Junction Conference, 13-18/07/2013, Charleston-USA: connexin43 signalling triggers dedifferentiation in cultures of primary hepatocytes by facilitating spontaneous apoptosis.
Annual meeting of the Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing project cluster, 05-06/02/2014, Barcelona-Spain: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
Society of Toxicology meeting, 23-27/03/2014, Phoenix-USA: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
NC3R workshop, 08-09/05/2014, London-UK: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
SEURAT summer school, 08-10/06/2014, Egmond aan Zee-The Netherlands: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
18th Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 10-13/06/2014, Egmond aan Zee-The Netherlands: development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury.
25th Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, 20-24/02/2016, Tokyo-Japan: inhibition of pannexin1 channels alleviates acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mouse.
NC3R workshop, 28/04/2016, London-UK: in vitro verification of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestasis.
67th American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Meeting, 11-15/11/2016, Boston-USA: in vitro verification of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestasis.
67th American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Meeting, 11-15/11/2016, Boston-USA: pannexin1 channel inhibition attenuates neutrophil recruitment upon acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.
53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2017, Bratislava-Slovakia: omics-based in vitro verification of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestatic liver injury.
CEFIC LRI workshop, 14-15/11/2018, Brussels-Belgium: development and testing of a repeated dose toxicity ontology model for chemical risk assessment purposes: liver effects as a case study.
15th IUTOX International Congress of Toxicology, 15-18/07/2019, Honolulu-USA: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2019, Helsinki-Finland: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
The Liver Meeting, 08-12/11/2019, Boston-USA: connexin hemichannels and pannexin channels as drug targets in liver toxicity and disease.
14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 03-05/02/2020, San Diego-USA: facilitating data curation: a solution developed in the toxicology domain.
9th ASCCT meeting, 20-23/10/2020, virtual meeting: a robust mechanistically-based in silico profiler for cholestatic liver injury.
Society of Toxicology meeting, 12-26/03/2021, virtual meeting: representations of liver toxicity knowledge by chemotypes based on ontology approach to support biological and chemical grouping in chemical safety assessment.
ESPEN virtual congress, 09-14/09/2021: type and frequency of hepatotoxic medication and use of parenteral nutrition in a tertiary care intensive unit.
14th Australian Peptide Conference, 08/05-13/05/2022, Gold Coast-Australia: design and synthesis of stapled 10Panx1 analogs for use in inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.
Joint Meeting of the French and Belgian Peptides and Proteins Societies, 29/05-03/06/2022, Port-Leucate-Frankrijk: design and synthesis of stapled 10Panx1 analogs for use in inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.
Joint Meeting of the French and Belgian Peptides and Proteins Societies, 29/05-03/06/2022, Port-Leucate-Frankrijk: structure-activity relationship study of the pannexin1 channel inhibitor 10Panx1.
Joint Meeting of the French and Belgian Peptides and Proteins Societies, 29/05-03/06/2022, Port-Leucate-Frankrijk: peptidomimetic inhibitors of connexin43 hemichannels.
Summer School of Bioinformatics, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 13/06-17/06/2022: from human physiology to toxicity prediction: working on the ONTOX project.
UCLouvain master thesis defense event, 23/06/2022, Brussels-Belgium: set up and maintenance of a cholangiocyte 3D spheroid model.
17th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium, 03/07-08/07/2022, Namur-Belgium: peptidomimetic inhibitors of connexin43 hemichannels.
ESPEN Congress, 03-06/09/2022, Vienna-Austria: sepsis and hepatotoxic drugs contribute to liver test disturbances in critically ill patients receiving parenteral nutrition, cumulative volume of parenteral nutrition does not.
ESPEN Congress, 03-06/09/2022, Vienna-Austria: carbohydrates induce liver test disturbances during treatment of critically ill patients, lipids and proteins don’t.
Virtual Physiological Human Conference, 06-09/09/2022, Porto-Portugal: developing a physiological map as a framework to study chemical-induced liver steatosis.
36th European and 12th International Peptide Symposium, 28/08-02/09/2022, Sitges-Spain: structure-activity relationship study of the pannexin1 channel inhibitor 10Panx1.
36th European and 12th International Peptide Symposium, 28/08-02/09/2022, Sitges-Spain: peptidomimetic inhibitors of connexin43 hemichannels.
LS2 Swiss Physiology meeting, 06/09/2022, Bern-Switzerland: stapled 10Panx1 analogs as a new class of anti-inflammatory Panx1 channel inhibitors.
IUTOX XVI International Congress of Toxicology, 18-21/09/2022, Maastricht-The Netherlands: benchmark dose response modelling of gene co-expression networks in hepatocytes exposed to known inducers of liver steatosis, cholestasis and necrosis.
IUTOX XVI International Congress of Toxicology, 18-21/09/2022, Maastricht-The Netherlands: physiology-based framework to study chemical-induced cholestasis.
IUTOX XVI International Congress of Toxicology, 18-21/09/2022, Maastricht-The Netherlands: physiological maps: a benchmark tool for adverse outcome pathways and a cornerstone for the development of disease ontologies.
IUTOX XVI International Congress of Toxicology, 18-21/09/2022, Maastricht-The Netherlands: artificial intelligence and open science to build adverse outcome pathways and perform toxicological risk assessment.
5th Swiss Vascular Research Symposium, 03/11/2022, Zurich-Switzerland: Stapled 10Panx1 analogs as a new class of anti-inflammatory Panx1 channel inhibitors.
21st Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 21-25/11/2022, Sitges-Spain: exploring the use of spheroid cultures of human liver cells for the mechanistic testing of carcinogenic compounds.
21st Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 21-25/11/2022, Sitges-Spain: connexin-based channel activity is not specifically altered by hepatocarcinogenic chemicals.
21st Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 21-25/11/2022, Sitges-Spain: an adverse outcome pathway network for liver steatosis induced by chemicals.
21st Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 21-25/11/2022, Sitges-Spain: update and optimization of an adverse outcome pathway network of chemical-induced cholestasis.
21st Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 21-25/11/2022, Sitges-Spain: applying machine-learning approaches to identify key genes associated with drug-induced cholestasis.
21st Conference of the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro, 21-25/11/2022, Sitges-Spain: designing physiological maps as a tool to study liver toxicology.
Summer School on Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology in Drug Discovery: the Pharma Perspective, 19-21/06/2023, Santiago de Compostela-Spain: the European project PANACHE: synergizing in silico, in vitro and in vivo methods to develop innovative inhibitors of membrane-bound proteins as potential anti-inflammatory drugs.
International Society for Heart Research Congress,10-13/07/2023, Porto-Portugal: a new class of Panx1 channel inhibitors exters anti-inflammatory effects on the endothelium.
12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 27-31/08/2023, Niagara Falls-Canada: an adverse outcome pathway network for liver steatosis induced by chemicals.
12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 27-31/08/2023, Niagara Falls-Canada: update and optimization of an adverse outcome pathway network of chemical-induced cholestasis.
12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 27-31/08/2023, Niagara Falls-Canada: applying machine-learning approaches to identify key genes associated with drug-induced cholestasis.
57th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2023, Ljubljana-Slovenia: high-content imaging of human hepatic spheroids for studying compounds with cholestatic liability.
57th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2023, Ljubljana-Slovenia: an updated adverse outcome pathway network on chemical-induced liver steatosis.
57th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2023, Ljubljana-Slovenia: accessible online methods and tools for assessing chemical exposure in humans: a systematic scoping review for the ONTOX project.
57th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2023, Ljubljana-Slovenia: novel clinical phenotypes and chemical classifications in drug-induced cholestasis.
57th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 10-13/09/2023, Ljubljana-Slovenia: probabilistic read-across assessment of 2-MCPD.
45th ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 11-14/09/2023, Lyon-France: determination and differentiating the impact of parenteral nutrition, sepsis, acute heart failure and hepatotoxic drugs on liver tests in ICU patients: a retrospective study.
23rd meeting of the French Group on Peptides and Proteins, 17-21/09/2023, Fournols-France: cyclic lipidated peptide inhibitors for cardiac endothelium targeting based on the C-terminal tail of connexin43.
Joint 3R symposium, 19-21/09/2023, Brussels-Belgium: development of human liver cancer 3D spheroid cultures for assessment of nanoplastic toxicity.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: bile secretion physiological map and the cholestasis ontology as innovative tools for understanding the mechanisms of cholestatic liver disorders.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: effects of bile duct ligation on cell junctions in mouse liver.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: characterization of biological responses of human hepatic spheroids to compounds with cholestasis liability using high-throughput transcriptomics.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: human liver spheroid co-cultures as a tool to study parenteral nutrition-associated liver toxicity.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: set-up of an in vitro 3D spheroid co-culture model to predict cholestatic drug-induced liver injury.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: role of bile acid transporters and connexins in drug-induced cholestasis.
Symposium “Cholestatic liver disorders: from bed to benchside”, 21-22/09/2023, Leuven-Belgium: elucidation of molecular initiating events in PFAS-mediated cholestatic liver injury.
5th Meeting of Translational Hepatology, 05-06/10/2023, Sevilla-Spanje: novel clinical phenotypes in cholestatic DILI, associated drugs, and new prognosis predictive models: analysis of a database of 432 patients developed by collaborative literature review and machine learning support.
Swiss Society for Microvascular Research Congress, 13/11/2023, Lausanne-Switzerland: a new Panx1 channel inhibitor decreases monocyte adhesion to the endothelium.
Society of Toxicology Meeting, 10-14/03/2024, Salt Lake City-USA: ASPIS: animal-free safety assessment of chemicals: project cluster for implementation of novel strategies.
epaa NAM Designathon workshop, 20-22/03/2024, Ispra-Italy: development of a test battery for the detection of induction of molecular initiating events of cholestatic liver toxicity induced by chemical compounds.
epaa NAM Designathon workshop, 20-22/03/2024, Ispra-Italy: NAM to identify low, medium and high concern of carboxylic acid-induced hepatic steatosis.
Disease Maps Community Meeting, 25-27/03/2024, Belvaux-Luxembourg: semi-automated workflow to accelerate AOP network construction using SBGN elements: a pilot study.
Disease Maps Community Meeting, 25-27/03/2024, Belvaux-Luxembourg: FAIR-compliant physiological mapping as a basis for building disease ontology maps: case studies in toxicology.
Helsinki Chemical Forum, 10/04/2024, Helsinki-Finland: ASPIS - Animal-free Safety Assessment of Chemicals: Project Cluster for Implementation of Novel Strategies.
3rd Annual ONTOX meeting, 24-25/04/2024, Utrecht-The Netherlands: set-up of a human-based in vitro test battery for the identification of cholestasis inducing chemicals.
3rd Annual ONTOX meeting, 24-25/04/2024, Utrecht-The Netherlands: development of a test battery for the detection of induction of molecular initiating events of cholestatic liver toxicity induced by chemical compounds.
3rd Annual ONTOX meeting, 24-25/04/2024, Utrecht-The Netherlands: the ability of a stem cell-based in vitro model to detect liver steatotic potential of diverse chemicals.
3rd Annual ONTOX meeting, 24-25/04/2024, Utrecht-The Netherlands: from physiological maps to disease ontology maps using a systems biology approach.
3rd Microphysiological Systems World Summit, 10-14/06/2024, Seattle-USA: evaluation of functional candidate biomarkers of non-genotoxic hepatocarcinogenicity in human liver spheroid co-cultures.
International Gap Junction Conference, 27-31/07/2024, Arlington-USA: nanobody-based pannexin1 channel inhibitors reduce inflammation in acute liver injury.
37th European Peptide Symposium and 14th International Peptide Symposium, 25-29/08/2024, Florence-Italy: cyclic peptides as connexin43 and pannexin1 inhibitors.
LS2 Swiss Physiology meeting, 03/09/2024, Fribourg-Switzerland: a new stable Panx1 peptidomimetic for the prevention of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury.
VHP Conference, 04/09-06/09/2024, Stuttgart-Germany: Building disease ontology maps: in silico tools for applications in toxicology.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: distribution kinetics of triazole fungicides in an in vitro liver steatosis model.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: optimization of predictive liver toxicity modeling based on the drug-induced cholestasis index.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: elucidation of molecular initiating events in PFAS-mediated cholestatic liver injury.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: using a systems biology approach to construct adverse outcome pathway networks aligned with the FAIR principles.
58th Conference of the European Societies of Toxicology, 08-11/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: development of a hepatic spheroid co-culture model for prediction of cholestatic drug-induced liver injury.
ASPIS Open Symposium, 11-12/09/2024, Copenhagen-Denmark: distribution kinetics of triazole fungicides in an in vitro liver steatosis model.
MPS2025 World Summit, 09-13/06/2025, Brussels-Belgium: optimizing alginate gel-based protection for liver spheroids in simulated altered gravity experiments.
MPS2025 World Summit, 09-13/06/2025, Brussels-Belgium: optimization of the drug-induced cholestasis index based on advanced modeling for predicting liver toxicity.
MPS2025 World Summit, 09-13/06/2025, Brussels-Belgium: development of a triple cell co-culture spheroid model for cholestatic drug-induced liver injury prediction.
MPS2025 World Summit, 09-13/06/2025, Brussels-Belgium: exploring the potential short-term and long-term hepatotoxic effects of polystyrene microplastics using 3D human liver spheroid cultures.
MPS2025 World Summit, 09-13/06/2025, Brussels-Belgium: development and characterization of an advanced MASH in vitro 3D human liver co-culture spheroid model.