
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Elucidation of the role of connexin proteins in hepatocyte apoptosis
2008-2009: 10.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Vera Rogiers
Connexin signaling research group (Alliance Research Group)
2011-2020: 10.000€
Promoters: Mathieu Vinken, Luc Leybaert
Liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing and translational aspects (Strategic Research Program)
2014-2019: 450.000€
Promoter: Vera Rogiers
Co-promoters: Tamara Vanhaecke, Mathieu Vinken, Jan Gutermuth
Liver connexin and pannexin research group (Alliance Research Group)
2014-2026: 120.000€
Promoters: Mathieu Vinken, Bruno Cogliati
Panx1 as a novel biomarker for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (Industrial Research Fund)
2016-2017: 50.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Serge Muyldermans
Exploiting peptides: protein binders, modulators and inhibitors for imaging and therapy (Strategic Research Program)
2019-2023: 1.220.000€
Promoter: Steven Ballet
Co-promoters: Vicky Caveliers, Sophie Hernot, Wim Versées, Mathieu Vinken, Serge Muyldermans, Nick Devoogdt
Non-animal methodologies for toxicity testing of chemical compounds (Interdisciplinary Research Program)
2019-2023: 550.000€
Promoter: Tamara Vanhaecke
Co-promoters: Mathieu Vinken, Joery De Kock, Olga De Troyer, Paul Quinn
B-liver: The Brussels liver research to valorisation alliance (Groups of Expertise in Applied Research Program)
2020-2024: 650.000€
Promoter: Tamara Vanhaecke
Co-promoters: Leo van Grunsven, Joery De Kock, Mathieu Vinken, Hendrik Reynaert
Cellular communication as target and biomarker in liver disease and toxicity: from basic research towards clinical application (Methusalem program)
2021-2027: 2.100.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
B-liver 2.0: The Brussels liver research to valorisation alliance (Groups of Expertise in Applied Research Program)
2025-2029: 1000.000€
Promoter: Tamara Vanhaecke
Co-promoters: Leo van Grunsven, Joery De Kock, Mathieu Vinken, Hendrik Reynaert

Scientific Fund Willy Gepts
Connexin hemichannels as drug targets in acute liver failure: a combined in vitro-in vivo study
2012-2016: 25.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Tamara Vanhaecke, Vera Rogiers
Hemichannels as novel pharmacological targets and biomarkers of cholestasis
2017-2020: 25.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Michaël Maes, Bruno Cogliati
Are connexins, pannexins and their (hemi)channels novel biomarkers and pharmacological targets in the prognosis and therapy of liver cancer?
2020-2023: 22.500€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Kaat Leroy, Bruno Cogliati
Can food addities cause liver damage?
2022-2025: 37.500€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken

ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemical for next
generation risk assessment
2019: 25.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken

HOBOTA: high-dimensional organoid-based organ toxicity assessment
2021-2023: 1.951.707€
Promoter: Freddy Van Goethem
Co-promoters: Mathieu Vinken, Bahar Ramezanpour

Research Foundation Flanders
Role of Cx32 and Cx43 in the control of hepatocellular homeostasis: development of a long-term primary hepatocyte culture system for pharmaco-toxicological studies
2010-2011: 16.400€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Vera Rogiers
Connexin and pannexin channels: regulation, functions and applications
2010-2019: 120.000€
Promoter: Luc Leybaert
Co-promoters: Geert Bultynck, Mathieu Vinken
Hepatocyte-like cells derived from adult human skin progenitor cells as a potential in vitro model for the screening of drugs for liver toxicity
2013-2016: 160.000€
Promoter: Tamara Vanhaecke
Co-promoters: Mathieu Vinken, Vera Rogiers
Characterization of Cx43- and Panx1-based hemichannels as tissue biomarkers and pharmacological targets in acute liver failure
2014-2017: 275.236€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Tamara Vanhaecke, Vera Rogiers
Hemichannels as novel pharmacological targets in liver fibrosis
2014-2017: 360.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Elke Decrock, Luc Leybaert, Tamara Vanhaecke, Vera Rogiers
Are connexin and pannexin hemichannels therapeutic drug targets and diagnostic biomarkers in cholestasis?
2018-2021: 425.700€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Pieter Annaert
Nanobody-based inhibitors of connexin and pannexin hemichannels as therapeutics for the treatment of hepatic and cardiovascular diseases
2018-2021: 457.700€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Serge Muyldermans, Brenda Kwak
Light sheet fluorescence microscope in life sciences and medical research
2018-2022: 689.653,84€
Promoter: Karen Sermon
Co-promoters: Hilde Van De Velde, Ellen Goossens, Luc Baeyens, Jo Van Ginderachter, Dimitri De Bundel, Sophie Hernot, Joery De Kock, Mathieu Vinken, Tamara Vanhaecke, Robim Marcelino Rodrigues, Leo van Grunsven
Are connexins, pannexins and their (hemi)channels novel biomarkers and pharmacological targets in the prognosis and therapy of liver cancer?
2019-2021: 225.000€ (+ 300.000BRL from São Paulo Research Foundation)
Promoters: Mathieu Vinken, Bruno Cogliati
Seahorse platform: the Agilent Seahorse Flux Analyser with integrated normalization system
2020-2023: 342.415,45€
Promoter: Ann Massie
Co-promoters: Eline Menu, Mathieu Vinken, Jo Van Ginderachter, Claudia Spits, Johan Stiens, Rose Njemini, Kenno Vanommeslaeghe
Modelling and prediction of liver toxicity: focus on drug-induced cholestasis
2021-2025: 62.500€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Lindsey Devisscher, Pieter Annaert
Can food additives cause liver damage? A mechanistic in vitro modelling study
2022-2025: 507.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Jochem Louisse
The role of pannexin1 channels in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: therapeutic and diagnostic relevance
2023-2026: 570.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Role of Panx1 channels and Cx43 hemichannels as new therapeutic targets in the paracrine signalling circuit between hepatic stellate cells and hepatocellular carcinoma cells established in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis
2025-2027: 255.000€ (+ 84.298€ for the University of São Paulo)
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Bruno Cogliati

6th and 7th Framework Program: Societal Challenges
CarcinoGENOMICS: development of a high throughput genomics-based test for assessing genotoxic and carcinogenic properties of chemical compounds in vitro
2006-2011: 12.619.013€
Promoter: Jos Kleinjans
Co-promoters at Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Vera Rogiers, Mathieu Vinken, Tamara Vanhaecke
DETECTIVE: detection of endpoints and biomarkers of repeated dose toxicity using in vitro systems
2011-2015: 8.674.850,6€
Promoter: Jürgen Hescheler
Co-promoters at Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Vera Rogiers, Mathieu Vinken, Tamara Vanhaecke
HeMiBio: hepatic microfluidic bioreactor
2011-2015: 9.400.000€
Promoter: Catherine Verfaillie
Co-promoters at Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Vera Rogiers, Mathieu Vinken, Tamara Vanhaecke

7th Framework Program and Horizon 2020: European Research Council
CONNECT: connexin and pannexin channels as drug targets and biomarkers in acute and chronic liver disease (Starting Grant)
2014-2019: 1.473.928,8€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
CONNECT-2-CLINIC: pannexin nanobodies for the clinical treatment of liver disease (Proof-of-Concept Grant)
2020-2021: 150.000€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken

Horizon 2020: Future and Emerging Technologies
PANACHE: production of next generation modulators of pannexins and connexins as novel therapeutics in the treatment of inflammatory cardiovascular, hepatic and joint diseases (FETopen)
2020-2024: 3.503.628,75€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Steven Ballet, Brenda Kwak, Maria Mayan, Rafael Gozalbes

Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
In3: an integrated interdisciplinary approach to animal-free chemical and nanomaterial safety assessment (innovative training network)
2017-2020: 3.861.963€
Promoter: Paul Jennings
Partner organization: European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (Mathieu Vinken)
ChOLLATERAL: generation of an adverse outcome pathway network on cholestatic liver injury for mechanism-based in vitro testing the toxicity induced by chemicals (individual fellowship)
2019-2021: individual postdoctoral fellowship to Vânia Vilas-Boas
Promoter: Vânia Vilas-Boas
Supervisor: Mathieu Vinken
3R-IMPACT: in vitro testing of the hepatotoxic potential of parenteral nutrition (co-funding of regional, national and international programmes)
2022-2024: postdoctoral fellowship to Miloš Mihajlović
Promoter: Miloš Mihajlović
Supervisor: Mathieu Vinken
SPACE-IMPACT: effect of simulated microgravity on hepatic drug transporters (co-funding of regional, national and international programmes)
2024-2026: postdoctoral fellowship to Sinem Helvacıoğlu Akyüz
Promoter: Sinem Helvacıoğlu Akyüz
Supervisor: Mathieu Vinken
W3E-IMPACT: exploring exposure to real-life e-waste chemical mixtures(co-funding of regional, national and international programmes)
2024-2026: postdoctoral fellowship to Chukwuebuka Eze
Promoter: Chukwuebuka Eze
Supervisor: Mathieu Vinken
LiTiTox: investigating the mechanisms of liver toxicity induced by the food additive E171 (titanium dioxide) using in vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches (individual fellowship)
2025-2027: individual postdoctoral fellowship to Luiza de Paula Dias Moreira
Promoter: Luiza de Paula Dias Moreira
Supervisor: Mathieu Vinken

Horizon 2020: Societal Challenges
ONTOX: ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment
2021-2026: 17.211.050€
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter at Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Tamara Vanhaecke

Horizon Europe: Innovative Health Initiative
VICT3R: developing and implementing virtual control groups to reduce animal use in toxicology research
2024-2027: 27.886.213,75€
Promoter: Ferran Sanz
Co-promoter at Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Mathieu Vinken

Cosmetics Europe
Development and testing of a repeated dose toxicity ontology model for chemical risk assessment purposes: liver effects as a case study
2018-2021: 906.386€ (324.000€ for Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoters: Aldert Piersma, Bob van de Water, Mark Cronin, Nynke Kramer, Dinant Kroese, George Daston, Chihae Yang

Universidade de São Paulo
Connexin and pannexin channels as drug targets and biomarkers in acute and chronic liver disease
2014-2016: 163.200BRL
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken

São Paulo Research Foundation
Connexins and pannexins as drug targets and biomarkers in liver disease
2014-2017: 2.373.910BRL
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
Co-promoter: Bruno Cogliati

Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
Establishment and in vitro testing of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestatic liver injury
2018-2020: 40.000$
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
An animal-free approach for human safety testing of food additives
2023-2024: 40.000$
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken

Alternatives Research and Development Foundation
An animal-free approach for human safety testing of food additives
2021-2022: 40.000$
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken
A human-relevant and AOP-driven in vitro approach for studying the cholestatic potential of micro- and nanoplastics
2023-2024: 40.000$
Promoter: Mathieu Vinken